Christian Rössel steps down from the MPkgS Committee

Christian Rössel has stepped down from the Midland Packaging Society’s (MPkgS) committee.  To mark the occasion, Tim Barbary, chair, noted how much he had appreciated the support and advice that Rössel had given the MPkgS for many years, including his time as Chair of the then East Midlands Packaging Society.  Barbary noted the challenges and opportunities this position holds and to commemorate Rössel’s service, Barbary presented him with a copy of the book Material World: A Substantial Story of Our Past and Future  by Ed Conway.  The book contained an insert where everyone from the committee had written a few words to thank Rössel for all his help and kindness.  Rössel thanked everyone, saying he might be stepping down but would continue to support the Society where and when he could.

Background Notes:

Rössel is a Fellow of The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3).  He is an Accredited Packaging Professional, has EUR ING accreditation and is a Chartered Engineer (CEng).

He has over 35 years’ experience in the European packaging industry, working for companies such as the Teich / Constantia Group, Rigid Containers and Titan Strapping Systems, before setting up his own business offering packaging optimisation, cost reduction, strategic marketing and business development for sustainable growth.  Markets include flexible packaging for the food and pharmaceutical sectors, strapping and wrapping of industrial goods for transport and corrosion protection.

In 2005 he became a member of the Institute of Packaging and joined the Nottingham Branch, which became the East Midlands Packaging Society after merger.  He has been actively involved in the local society’s events as a committee member, then chairing the Society in 2014 and 2015.  He has championed membership and supported the MPkgS’s Pack to the Future conferences. He also served on the board of the Packaging Society.

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